What’s Crumb!?

Crumb is walking by faith and not by sight!

CRUMB is a pushback on everything making men weak in today’s modern world.

CRUMB is having the faith of a mustard seed when everything feels lost and broken.

CRUMB is playing the long game. (ie THE LONGEST GAME THERE IS)

CRUMB was born out of pure desperation, blood, sweat, and tears (lots of tears—literally) over a decade and a half of seeking truth.

Not to get into my whole life story, but let’s just say, I’ve been through some 🤫 and I’ve seen some 🤐, k?

…and I promise you young one, the one trying to build the business, the one chasing all the girlies, the status, hiding the drug habit and still maintaining high performance, the one who has it “all together” but secretly has panic attacks and wants to just freakin’ end it sometimes…bro. I’ve been there. I’m telling you. So just stick around, k? 😘

In today's crazy 🍑 world, CRUMB is TRUE power my friend


In today's crazy 🍑 world, CRUMB is TRUE power my friend 🎉

Look, CRUMB means trusting God with the little things. The littlest of the little I’m talking. And then listening and taking action on what you hear back. Hour by hour, day by day, week after week, year after year. And in those really hairy spots in life, in some cases, minute by minute!

CRUMBING IT UP is about letting Him use a literal bazillion tiny steps of faith in the darkest times of life to eventually bring peace, joy, and real lasting foundational soul-level heart-level change.

“CRUMBING” is for anyone who says:

  • "Life feels incredibly messy. I need THE “system. THE mindset shift."

  • "There’s too much going on and something’s STILL missing. I’m going to crash."

  • "I can’t do this anymore all by myself. I need to find the truth and be around other people walking in it."

CRUMB is NOT about trying harder or hacking your way to some coveted “out there” “victory” where everything suddenly becomes roses. It’s about letting God HELP YOU day after day in the middle of life as it is unfolding for you.

Like: Right now: today: with WHATEVER is going on in your life.

And again, TRUSTING HIM with it. And learning how to actually LIVE THIS WAY. (forever)

PS (…I love PSs btw if you can’t tell😂) I promise you, even if you are an “atheist” “agnostic”, “whatever”…HE WILL SHOW UP once you start CRUMBING. I’d bet my life on it. ❤️‍🔥🚀🫶🏼🤟🏽

Who is CRUMB For? (silly question, but I’ll answer)

Maybe CRUMB is specifically for you, maybe it’s not. (although “It” is even if you don’t know it! 😂🤪🙃) But. BUT…if you’re still reading, I’m guessing “It’s” speaking to your heart a teensy lil’ bit ya ole’ goon!

  • So. IFFF you’re curious, stick👏 around👏!

  • IFFF something feels “right”, hop on in, the water’s warm! Follow on the socials. Hit me up personally in a DM! 👉DO SOMETHING!!!👈

  • And if you’re not sure, still not “getting it”—-that’s A-okay too my friend! Just simply get connected somewhere with CRUMB and let Father Time do its thing.

PS That pic? That’s my wife and three kids. Last year I quit my big boy high paying job, sold the minivan, the house, the hot-tub/cold tub set up——->>>EVERYTHING and we moved to a hospital ship in West Africa to serve the world’s forgotten poor for the next couple years.

So yeah, Mr. “Who does this guy think he is anyway” man…I know a thing or two about faith and walking by it. 😜 (although still very very little ;))

But, but…(again 😄)

Look, I get it…the world says: “Go fast! Get strong! Go big! Look fancy! Get that bread and have your dream life yesterday!!!!”

CRUMB’s saying: “Go small. Be steady. Let 👏God👏 do His work in you. Follow THE ONLY bread that matters. Play for keeps!”

Like for example, here’s how “we do" in The Cru-therhood⚔️ (our sweet Telegram group):

  1. Pray HARD
    Honesty with God every day WILL grow into big changes.

  2. Trust BIG
    God WILL take your little and turn it into more than you can imagine.

    MOVE! Before you “know.” Even if it’s not “perfect.” God WILL do the rest.

IF YOU’D LIKE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE BIG FAITH FORMULA™ (of which the above was extracted from, click HERE!)

What Makes CRUMB Different? WELP:

It’s Simple.
We’re about small steps in faith consistently to change your life and the world.

It’s Undeniable!
Many won’t understand (heck, even you) once you start “CRUMBIN’ IT UP”, but “they” and you WILL know by your fruits!!! 🍇🍉🍋

It’s Real.
No pretending. Just honest love and walking by faith in all things around here. No hidden agendas. EVER. EVer, eveR.

It’s God’s Work.
God is ready to take YOUR “crumbs” and do something amazing. (I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT and I want to see it!🥳)

ANOTHER FACT: I AM GOING TO ABSOLUTELY FLOOD (and call others to do the same as well!)THE INTERWEBS AND SOCIAL TWITTOKAGRAMS WITH “CRUMBS” FOREVERMORE UNTIL THE DAY I DIE! [After all, in today’s society, it’s where the eyeballs are and therefore where the souls are!!!!]

“From where I’ve been, What I’ve Seen, Where ‘my walk’ has taken me, what the Holy SPirit has revealed to me…CRUMB isn’t just some thing to me—it’s 100% A PART OF my calling.

I AM ridiculously STUPIDLY grateful that God has positioned me to be able to help build out/steward this “brand/COmmunity/ movement”/ As Both A Purpose & A pleasure.

BRINGING “bros” to christ and strengthening faith in men all over the world is pretty much the coolest way i could ever personally conceive honoring God and giving him all the glory.

so yeah, go team jesus forever and ever! Amen! hallelujah!!!”

-(Yes, I fake quoted myself to write this)

CRUMB Is Bigger badder and better Than You can ever imagine once you get it.

CRUMB isn’t just about fixing problems. it’s biblical AS FISHES AND LOAVES.

And it’s not just about you—it’s about STARTING RIPPLES—one crumb at a time—that change families, neighborhoods, and even generations.

cliche but true👉 the fact that you are seriously even here reading this means that I know for a FACT that God is working on, in, and/or through YOU, right now. Can we just celebrate that!!!? 🍻🥳🔥🎉🥹😮‍💨🫠🤢🤮💃🕺🏽🪩

What happens next?

You Choose!! UP TO YOU BUB.

  • Follow Along 🤳🏽. Even if you don’t understand “it”” yet.

  • Join Up. Grab some merch if you’re already vibing HARD (support the mish man!!!!), hit up the Crutherhood⚔️, or join the ole’ weekly email list thingy. Again, just do something!

  • Easy EASY Step if you got two mins right now….Listen to an episode of The Daily CRUMB Podcastjust 2 minutes!!!—psshhh, easyyyyy.

A Final Thought:

A Final Thought:

“Well done, my good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:23)

Not just words. Holy work is what you are called to my man.

Now let’s go “change some stuff!”—one CRUMB at a time. 🥷🤜🏾🤛🏼

Final PS/Reminder: God can AND does take our smallest of small steps and turns them into something far bigger than we could ever ask or imagine.