BIG BRO Faith For the Modern Man™

“The Modern World” loves to keep men weak, afraid, and alone. CRUMB is the antidote you never knew you needed. Stick around jabroni. We gotchu’.

numb is dumb.

So you want to Live for today do ya?

How about you get your head out of your butt and realize this life ain’t All what you think it is.

The “2d VS 3d” Reality SHIFT👇

  • 2D Mindset: "Live for today, YOLO. Do whatever makes you happy now."
    3D Reality: "This life is a pregame lobby. What you do here matters forever."

    Most people grind for temporary wins—money, status, pleasure—but the clock is ticking. If you only live for today, you're stacking up points in a game that’s about to be unplugged. The 3D perspective shifts your vision from instant gratification to eternal purpose. Jesus said, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth… but store up treasures in heaven.” (Matthew 6:19-20)

    🔑 Real Talk: Where are you stacking your points—temporary or eternal?

  • 2D Mindset: "It’s all about me—my success, my grind, my goals."
    3D Reality: "The real ones play for something bigger than themselves."

    The 2D game is built on selfishness—you win by taking, hoarding, and stepping on others. The 3D game flips the script: the greatest ones are the ones who serve. Jesus lived this out when He washed His disciples' feet and gave His life away (Mark 10:45).

    🔑 Real Talk: Are you trying to be the MVP of a fake game, or are you playing for something bigger?

  • 2D Mindset: "Let me get my moment. Let me go viral."
    3D Reality: "Shine in a way that actually lasts."

    The world tells you to chase clout, but that’s a flashlight in a blackout—temporary and weak. The 3D game calls you to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). Salt preserves what’s good. Light exposes darkness. This means standing for truth when it's unpopular and making an impact beyond likes and follows.

    🔑 Real Talk: Are you a flickering neon sign, or are you lighting up the darkness?

  • 2D Mindset: "Life is about comfort. Do whatever it takes to avoid pain."
    3D Reality: "Pain isn’t pointless—it’s part of “the eternal leveling up."

    The 2D world runs from suffering. The 3D game recognizes that suffering is part of the process—it refines you, builds strength, and forces you to rely on God. Jesus didn’t avoid the cross, He walked straight into it because He saw the bigger mission (Hebrews 12:2).

    🔑 Real Talk: Are you dodging pain and staying weak, or facing it and growing stronger?

  • 2D Mindset: "You’re just a product of chance. You’re nothing but molecules."
    3D Reality: "You are fearfully and wonderfully made for a purpose."

    The 2D lie says you’re random, accidental, and meaningless. But if that’s true, then nothing matters. The 3D game says you were designed on purpose (Psalm 139:13-16). God handcrafted you with a mission only you can fulfill.

    🔑 Real Talk: Are you believing the lie that you’re an accident, or stepping into the truth that you were created with purpose?

  • 2D Mindset: "It’s all about the image. Fake it ‘til you make it."
    3D Reality: "What’s REAL and TRUE matters more than what looks good."

    The 2D world worships appearances—filters, flexing, chasing validation. But truth doesn’t change, no matter how much you dress it up (John 14:6). The real ones aren’t playing for applause—they’re standing for what’s ACTUALLY true, even when (I’d propose: ESPECIALLY WHEN) it costs them.

    🔑 Real Talk: Are you curating a perfect image, or living in truth no matter what?

  • 2D Mindset: "Love is a game. Keep your options open. No commitments."
    3D Reality: "Real love is sacrifice, loyalty, and commitment."

    The 2D world treats relationships like a game—swipe left, move on, never settle. But real love takes work, and commitment isn’t weakness—it’s strength. Jesus didn’t play it safe, He gave everything for His people (Ephesians 5:25).

    🔑 Real Talk: Are you playing games with LOVE’s definition of love, or are you ALL IN for the only thing that’s actually real?


Those 7 contrasts above are just a few of literally hundreds I could paint for you— forks in the road we’ll call them. Opposites on the spectrum of life, to say it another way.

One side leads to truth, purpose, and eternity.

The other? At best a distraction. At worst deadly.

🛑 🚨Getting frustrated? One thing you can’t argue with me on my friend…the plug IS getting pulled and it would behoove you (ie make a lot of sense) to make a choice ASAP (ie sooner rather than later) on something as important as “TRUTH”. 🤷🏽‍♂️ JUST. 👏SAYING. 👏

++So. What’s it gonna be!? Keep grinding in a game that’s already shutting down, or step into “the 3d game” and start living for what actually matters?

The door is open. My goal is to smack you so hard in the HEAD so that to as ensure: “The choice”, is indeed yours.

(PS don’t be a jabroni homie. Make the right choice.)


⚔️Join the “Cru-therhood”⚔️

🍞 🦅 Scared to get lost? LOCK IN on “all this” and Let’s change your life for real for real.

1 email per week. (🤌 Chef’s kiss!)

*Look for the bird and the bread crumb* ➡️ 🍞 🦅

I DON’T miss and neither will you. 🫡

What’s up man, i’m Zach. “Founder”🤝

You can call me Z Man, Big Z, Zach, or anything else you want really, I’m pretty chill like that.


I once overheard my Dad say, “The number one problem in the world is a lack of faith.”

Now, as a father, husband, and 37-year-old male who has been through bankruptcy, addiction, loss, and personal crisis after personal crisis chasing anything and everything, I tend to agree.

14 years ago I made a decision to pursue “TRUTH” at all costs, even if it killed me.

8 years ago, I cried out in desperation to Jesus, the last “crumb” I was willing to give any credence to.

What followed was absolutely INSANE. I have ZERO doubts that He rescued me and gave me the life you see in those pictures up there (and 1,000 other blessings I won’t bore you with here.)

So NOWWW, I’m on a mission: I’ve been called and chosen to help “the bros” come to Christ and live a life of purpose and meaning. 👌🏽

CRUMB is my continual offering back to my Lord, Savior, best friend, and Bro of All Bros, the One and Only, Jesus Christ.

PS CRUMB is not theory. I’m PROOF my guy! So shut that yapping stupid mouth down in your head getting all in a wad right now and stick around and let’s do this thing together, one crumb at a time. 😤

PS whether you’re “a believer” or not yet, just stick around dude. Worst case you ignore my emails, hate on me in the comments 24/7, and Unroll me in 6 months. Best case, your life becomes exceedingly abundantly more than you could ever ask for or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20🔥-We “talking Bible” here FYI)

🫵🏽 That’s right, I’m talking to you Mr. skeptic too-cool-for-school I do my own thang man. 😘